Sense Mural
The brief: Audience experience is at the centre of our work. The Mural needs to always speak to this and focus on audience engagement, fun and experience. The team is young, passionate and creative so we definitely want to position ourselves, through the work, as creative thinkers part of a influential agency. We would like the mural to have the overall theme of an event.
The delivery: A sensory event, tickling all the senses. Taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing, vestibular and proprioception. The artwork depicts setting up a special event that Sense is putting on to showcase their creative and influential way of thinking. From hanging lights and putting up signs, to testing drones, cameras and the rollercoaster. The artwork show the immense effort and attention to detail that is behind a Sense event. At this event guests will have a sensory adventure. Giant flowers giving off a constant sweet scent (smell), music (sound), something fun & exciting to do and see in every direction (touch & sight), delicious food (taste), rollercoaster rides (vestibular) and navigating through narrow tunnels to different islands (proprioception). This artwork truly captures the importance of audience experience to Sense events.